There are fewer things more difficult in life than finding yourself caught in a set of circumstances that force you to operate in a fashion that goes against your very nature, to find yourself confined in a situation that at once highlights the characteristics that comprise you at your core and also forces you to control or alter those defining qualities; it is a challenge of one’s strength, will, fortitude, resourcefulness and ingenuity.
Say, for example, you have been moving through your life, your entire life thus far, going to school, getting a job, starting a family, retiring, becoming grandparents, and so on, playing out patterns of existence, and then one day, like a shocking jolt, you realize it’s all a ruse and actually nothing was as you had always perceived it: rather than individuals carving unique paths, you were drones following a nefarious plan; you and everyone you knew were not people in cycles, but a cogs in wheels; you were not living a life, but stuck in a matrix.
How do you pull yourself out of the matrix? Could you even have the correct set of tools to guide you? Everything you knew until just now was just wrong. Maybe you would ignore the new found reality, pretend that you didn’t know - that everything was as it had always been? Maybe you would just hope that things would continue as they had, as if they didn’t require some kind of massive, scary change for everything to be right.
For those of you who might have been on this site a few days ago and now see, strange, a missing entry, no, your eyes are not deceiving you, and no, there is not a glitch in the matrix. In fact, I had posted a blog some days ago, but the evil machines are again looking for any opportunity to separate the muzungu from her money and some of those machines are at least partially computer literate and know this website; as such, the post was removed as it is not the time to reveal any information on the matrix that could be used against me.
So what is so difficult here? Everything and nothing. Like the matrix, most people here are not what they seem – you have to look closely, find the patterns and inconsistencies to know the truth. Everything can come crashing down if not played properly, and so I move with caution to ensure the machines will not continue to suck energy from me and my projects, but I have confidence as I have swallowed the little red pill of truth and have learned my true nature and how to control it… and so, yes, I am now for the remainder of my time here in an alternate reality, wholly untrusting.
Stay strong amiga! You are by far carving a path of your own direction and changing the path of those around you.